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Submit Your Information for a  Free Assessment

The information below will allow us to complete an assessment of your eligibility for the PEI PNP.  Because the number of spaces in the Expression of Interest System is limited, Abegweit Immigration only accepts as clients those we feel have a good chance of success in being nominated by the Province.  All inquiries are held in strict confidence.

Are you able to you speak, read and write:

I am interested in living in a rural community

I am willing to travel to PEI for the purpose of visiting and attempting to obtain the endorsement of a community in PEI

Please check any of the following which apply to you:

I have previously been denied entry to Canada

I have been convicted of a crime

I have a family member who is not allowed into Canada

I have a dependent child enrolled at a PEI educational institution for at least 6 continuous months

My spouse or common-law partner graduated from a post-secondary institution in PEI

My spouse, common-law partner or dependent child has a language ability of CLB/NCLC 6 or higher in English or French

My spouse or common-law partner has at least 3 years of work experience in the last 5 years

I have close family member who have lived in PEI for at least 12 consecutive months who are permanent residents or Canadian citizens

I have experience in farming and plan to operate a farm in PEI

Which of the following best describes your business ownership or management experience?

If you have taken an English or French language test in the last two years, please indicate your results.  You can refer to the Language Test Equivalency Charts for more information about determining your Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB)/Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) score in the drop down fields below:  

I am working with an immigration agent in my home country

(if this box is checked please provide us with their details in the box below)


I confirm that the information I am submitting is true and I am aware that Abegweit Immigration will be relying upon the accuracy of this information for the purposes of assessing my chances of success in applying to the PEI Provincial Nominee Program.  I am aware that Abegweit Immigration may contact me to request further information in order to fully evaluate my eligibility and that submission of my information does not guarantee that Abegweit Immigration will accept me as a client.

© 2018 by Abegweit Immigration

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