100% Ownership Stream
This stream is for individuals who would like to own 100% of a business in PEI. Individuals may either plan to purchase an existing business or start their own business in PEI.
To be eligible for nomination through the 100% Ownership Stream of the Business Impact Category you must:
have a minimum verifiable personal net worth of $600,000 which has been accumulated through legal and legitimate sources in your own right;
have a minimum education of secondary school equivalent;
be within 21-59 years of age at the time of application;
have transferable management skills and past employment or business ownership experience;
meet minimum language requirements equivalent to a CLB/NCLC 4; and
intend to live and work in PEI while providing day-to-day active and ongoing management of your PEI-based company.
Successful applicants will be required to sign an Escrow Agreeement and submit a $200,000 deposit to the Office of Immigration prior to receiving their nomination. The deposit can be broken down as follows:
Residency portion - $50,000
Business portion - $150,000
If you comply with the terms of your Escrow Agreement, this deposit will be refunded to you in accordance with the terms of the Escrow Agreement.​